Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Asperger s Syndrome Symptoms And Diagnosis - 1510 Words

It is estimated that 1 in 500 people have been diagnosed with Asperger’s Disorder. ( Other sites estimate as many as 1 in 88 children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It makes you wonder why? Why now? Has something changed to cause the rise in diagnosed cases of Asperger’s, or has it been like this always and we are just now diagnosing and tracking this disorder. I have a personal interest in this subject because my younger brother was diagnosed with Asperger’s seven years ago. When he was diagnosed my mother researched all that she could and became an advocate for him. Although the information has always been available to me, I found myself questioning so much about what I do and do not understand about Asperger’s. In this report I hope to outline what I have discovered and answer questions such as: What is Asperger’s Syndrome? Who is affected by Asperger’s Syndrome? How are their lives changed? As well as other q uestions. What is Asperger’s Syndrome? Asperger’s Syndrome was first defined in 1944 by an Austrian Pediatrician named Hans Asperger. He referred to it as Autistic Psychopathy and described the children’s as having normal intelligence but lacking in social and behavioral skills. His observations were published but not widely known until the 1980’s when an English physician wrote about patients in her practice and referred to their condition as Asperger’s Syndrome. Although it is recognized as its own disorder, in 2013 it was lumpedShow MoreRelatedAutism Is A Neurological Development Disorder967 Words   |  4 Pagesfunctional. The most functional form is called, Asperger s Syndrome. People with Asperger s Syndrome have above average intelligence; the people on the other end of the spectrum tend to have average or below average intelligence. There are many symptoms of Asperger s Syndrome, but not all of the symptoms meet the other symptoms of the different types of autism. 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